Contract Address:





Phase 3 

- 2500+ holders 

- Giveaway 

- Airdrops

Phase 1

- Launch

- 500 Holders

- Marketing Push 

100 Trillion Total Supply (Token Allocation)

• 94%: 94T In circulation (Burn)

• 5%: 5T Liquidity Pool

• 1%: 1T Presale / Old CA / Team

Remaining Total Supply

94% of the total remaining supply of 94T have been burnt.

Yeah you should try it some time

I didn't know we could do that?

Contract Address:

Dive beakfirst into the feathered chaos with our new mobile game. Embark on a mission to poop on people and cars, racking up points in the most pigeon way possible. Navigate through an urban jungle, dodging obstacles and strategically releasing payloads of sH!t with precision.

Download Metamask or your wallet of choice from the app store or google play store for free. Desktop users, download the google chrome extension by going to

Introducing our token, the feathered frontier of the crypto world! Prepare for the ultimate pigeon-inspired memecoin. The days of the traditional dog coins are over, as the pigeons are ready to spread their wings and claim the throne from those with furry paws!

Meet Benny

Pigeon Park is the place you're  free to spread your wings and embrace your inner pigeon. 

Get ready to soar with our token and revolutionise the crypto space with our avian adventure as we launch on the Ethereum blockchain. 


As we continue to grow the flock we will only grow stronger, come join 1000 other pigeons as we take over the cryptosphere.

Yeah you should try it some time 

Click Here to find out more about the game

I didn't know we could do that?

Pigeon Park 2024. All rights reserved.


As a meme token, our token holds no inherent worth and should not be viewed as a means of generating financial gains.The coin serves purely as a form of entertainment and serves no practical purpose.


Switch Eth for our token. We will have a 2% tax fee for every buy and sell. The funds that we collect from the tax will go straight to our marketing wallet to help with growing the project.


Swap Eth


Switch Eth for our token. We will have a 2% tax fee for every buy and sell. The funds that we collect from the tax will go straight to our marketing wallet to help with growing the project.

Connect to Uniswap. Go to in google chrome. Connect your wallet. Paste our token token address into Uniswap, select our token, and confirm. When Metamask prompts you for a wallet signature, sign.

Connect to Uniswap. Go to in google chrome. Connect your wallet. Paste the token address into Uniswap, select our token, and confirm. When Metamask prompts you for a wallet signature, sign.

Have Eth in your wallet to switch to our token. If you don’t have any Eth, you can transfer from another wallet or buy on an exchange and send it to your wallet.

Have Eth in your wallet to switch to our token. If you don’t have any Eth, you can buy directly on Metamask, transfer from another wallet, or buy on another exchange and send it to your wallet.

Create a Wallet

Download Metamask or your wallet of choice from the app store or google play store for free. Desktop users, download the google chrome extension by going to


Phase 4

- CEX Listing  

- Marketing Push

- More TBA

Phase 3

- 2500+ Holders

- Giveaway 

- Airdrops

Phase 2

- CMC/CG Listings

- Release more game info 

- Community Partnerships 

Phase 1

- Launch

- 500 Holders

- Marketing Push 

Phase 4

- CEX Listing  

- Marketing Push

- More TBA

Phase 2

- CMC/CG Listings

- Release more game info 

- Community Partnerships



100 Trillion Total Supply (Token Allocation)

• 94%: 94T In circulation (Burn)

• 5%: 5T Liquidity Pool

• 1%: 1T Presale / Old CA / Team

Remaining Total Supply

94% of the total remaining supply of 94T have been burnt.




Token SupplY (94% Burnt)



Presale/Old CA/Team





How to Buy

Dive beakfirst into the feathered chaos with our new mobile game. Embark on a mission to poop on people and cars, racking up points in the most pigeon way possible. Navigate through an urban jungle, dodging obstacles and strategically releasing payloads of sH!t with precision.

Introducing our token, the feathered frontier of the crypto world! Prepare for the ultimate pigeon-inspired memecoin. The days of the traditional dog coins are over, as the pigeons are ready to spread their wings and claim the throne from those with furry paws!

Road Map

Pigeon Park is the place you're free to spread your wings and embrace your inner pigeon.

pigeon park

Pigeon Park is the place you're  free to spread your wings and embrace your inner pigeon. 

Get ready to soar with our token and revolutionise the crypto space with our avian adventure as we launch on the Ethereum blockchain. 

As we continue to grow the flock we will only grow stronger, come join 4000 other pigeons as we take over the cryptosphere.